Our Toppers

School Magzine





                                           Moral Education



Today’s Education system is based on materialist thought, devoid of ethical and moral values. Concept of God does not exist in this system. It does not answer the basic questions of life, i.e. Who are you? Who brought you here and what is your relation with this world and what is your destination? It is because of this system we are not able to produce good human beings. Bernad Russel has rightly said in reflecting the present age. He says: ‘We can fly like a bird and swim like a fish but we do not know how to live on this earth’. We are able to produce good engineers, good doctors, good professors, good architects and good scientists and so on but we are not able to produce good human beings.         

            Islamic Education system cements our relation with Allah, the creator of this universe as stated in the Quran. “Read in the name of Allah who created you from  “Alaq”  a leach like thing. So it is clear from this verse that we have to acquire knowledge that connects our relation with the creator.



Allah’s messenger used to make the supplications.Which means, 

Oh Allah, increase my knowledge. The 2nd dua means

           Oh, Allah I seek refuge from the knowledge that is not beneficial.

So in order to bring about God conscious society, it is obligatory to introduce moral education in schools. R.P School like many other schools of the valley has introduced moral education which is entirely based on Quran and Sunnah. Islamic etiquettes are taught from Nursery to 10th standard. Supplications taken from Quran and Sunnah are taught from the primary classes.

Besides, the subjects prescribed by the J & K Board of School Education Quran,Arabic and Islamiyat are taught to the students. The purpose of teaching these subjects is to bring up the students in pure Islamic atmosphere so that they can become good charactered students equipped with excellent human and moral qualities. To accomplish this mission the school has deputed high qualified staff. Off and on the school invites good scholars and ulmas who deliver good moral lectures and give excellent guidelines to students in making them responsible human beings. School is institution to train students morally and academically unless parents play their rule in guiding their wards at home fruitful results won’t come. So they have to be role model to their children.